Late night crocheting

I am a crocheter not a knitter. And I can only really do 2 stitches, single and double. And only square or rectangular shapes. So the perfect project is a scarf. I made 3 in 2 days. Impressive (I think) for a total novice (like me). Each yarn felt different even though the packaging said they were the same thickness. Combine that with the varying tension in which I make each chain, each scarf had its own unique style. One was very tight and thick. The second was very loose and soft. And the last was somewhere in between. They are longer than normal scarves and the ends are stitched together to make a circle, long enough to go around the neck twice.

I woke up with knitter's elbow the next morning from non stop knitting 2 days in a row. Overall, my crocheting experience was fun. As a beginner, I enjoyed the simplicity and repetitiveness except of course for the last and first stitch in each row which always seemed to have a tension problem. I'll definitely be crocheting again but maybe not with unrealistic deadlines forcing me to stay up until 2am 2 nights in a row.


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